
Schlosslichtspiele/ Karlsruhe DE

Sense of Safety on the Antiwar Day

fantastic little splash/ UA, Gabrielle Goliath/ SA, Zhanna Kadyrova/ UA Mykyta Lyskov/ UA, Daria Sazanovich/ BY/DE, Helmut Schweizer/ DE, Maxim Tyminko/ BY/ NL, Clemens v. Wedemeyer/ DE, Siarhei Navitski/ BY/PL

On the occasion of Antiwar Day, Antiwarcoalition.art presents a 20-minute special program at the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELEN Karlsruhe on September 1, 2024.

Artworks form a "bridge of solidarity" with the city and communities under daily attack. For example the Maxim Tyminko "A Percussion Piece for Two Thousand and Nine Players". In his work Maksim turns his attention to the problem of political prisoners in Belarus. The work utilises a database of Belarusian political prisoners maintained and updated by politzek.me team. He literally visualises each political prisoner and gives him a voice through the use of kitchen noise. Thus, he understands in this way the problem of invisibility of political prisoners in Belarus.

The international exhibition project aims to draw attention to the repression and war. The projection mappings were realized by Siarhei Navitski.

The programme is part of the annual antiwarcoalition.art theme Sense of Safety || Lets Dream We Are Equal.